In my Communications Technology class, we've been learning a "bit" about pixels. I was surprised to find only one pixel joke on the internet, so here are some cheesy pixel jokes to share with your nerdier (or, as I like to say, more tech savvy) friends this holiday season.
A pixel walked into a bar... Just kidding... Pixels can't walk...
What's the difference between a pixel and you? A pixel is more complex.
My pixel has more depth than your pixel.
I trained my pixels to understand binary code.
You're so intellectually underdeveloped, a pixel could beat you at chess.
My pixels rebelled and made all of my Facebook pictures look fat.
I think we're going a little overboard with the "Go Green" thing. The other day when I was working in Photoshop, all of my pixels turned black and refused to change color except for a moment when they informed me that they were "preserving light energy".
That's all for now. I'm proud to add seven more pixel jokes to the world's vast collection.
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